Sunday, 13 September 2015

Sailor Moon 30 Day Challenge: Day 12 & 13

So I have been busy this weekend and I have been behind posts so I thought to do a double post xD

Day 12

"Favourite Inner Senshi"

I already mentioned that I was a fan of Minako, so maybe I shall talk about another favourite? I would definitely say that Mokoto is a favourite of mine.

Everyone needs that friend that will fuck people up if they hear someone talking smack about you. You also need a friend that can cook and bake cakes AND fix your home up because you are a pig. She's really strong and I honestly feel like she should be a punk or a heavy rocker because she can use lightning, which I think is edgy, but then again she is edgy. But she's also really sweet and adorable and is a big softie.

Day 13

"Favourite Secondary Character"

Naru. Why did we stop seeing her in the anime? She was Usagi's best friend before she became a sailor scout and then she just slowly disappeared after the third series....

Maybe she got fed up with being in the firing line of the Dark Kingdom she decided to stay at home with Umino.

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